Pensions: what to do about over- and under-payments

PCSE and NHSE have published guidance on their website recently covering pensions administration. It’s a helpful document which you can point PCSE to if they tell you something which disagrees with what’s in there, and it covers several areas previously...

Statements of Pension Contributions

One of the many, many confusing aspects of the NHS pensions scheme is the sheer number of organisations involved. By extension, this means individual members can get different accounts of their pensions from different places, adding to the complexity. Total Rewards...

Is the NHS pension scheme unaffordable?

You may have seen the ‘consultation’ running currently on whether to increase the cost of NHS pensions to employers by more than 6%, and wondered why – given that under a ‘defined benefit’ scheme this doesn’t increase anyone’s...

Relaunch of the pensions SARs campaign

In the absence of any formal response from NHS England to a letter sent almost two months ago, or of any meaningful action to address the failings identified to them by us 14 months ago, GP Survival and the National Association of Sessional GPs relaunched the original...