The voice of UK General Practice
How can you get involved?
Being part of GP Survival is all about working together for a better future, and to do that we need your support! You can help us by sending a regular gift of just £30 per year. Every donation goes entirely towards supporting our work.
We are different because …
We provide collated, rapid responses from grassroots GPs on topical issues affecting general practice and our patients.
We seek to avoid conflict of interest and are not affiliated to any political party though we will engage with any group prepared to listen and discuss General Practice.
We will consistently promote General Practice and challenge both media and politicians when they deride GPs, whilst supporting our members working on the frontline.
Over the last few years I have really valued the support of GP Survival. By being part of this growing network, it’s definitely helped me combat the sense of isolation I often feel. The Facebook group and wider network makes me feel part of a much bigger picture. With well over 5000 GP’s involved, there is always someone to turn too.
Government policy is putting patients in harms way due to chronic under-investment, a recruitment crisis and ill-conceived regulation in the context of covert privatisation. GP Survival aims to support and represent grassroots GPs working in NHS primary care. Created from the desire to engage with medical politics through social media we now have over 5000 members, our numbers growing daily.