• Many of you have been in touch about significant historical underpayments being demanded by NHS Pensions. I highlighted to NHSE that this causes significant financial hardship in some cases, and where this is due to poor administration of the pensions scheme by Capita, this is something which needs addressed.
  • NHS Pensions are obliged, because this is effectively public money, to demand the full arrears as soon as they become apparent.
  • If you are asked for a sum of money which will cause you significant personal hardship, or if you as an employer will suffer significant cashflow problems because of historical pension arrears, contact NHS England via england.pensionescalations@nhs.net to explain the situation
  • If you are electing to retire, and owe money in historical underpayments, NHS Pensions may agree to take this from your lump sum. I suggested that schedule 12, item 10 (2) of the 2015 regulations means that, subject to the member’s agreement, arrears can be deducted from pension payments over time. NHS England will clarify.