• We discussed the issues accessing TRS under the new government gateway / Verify process. This is outside the control of NHSE, but they agree that in many cases the problems accessing this information are discriminatory.
  • If, for instance, you are unable to access your TRS statement because you work under your maiden name, GP Survival advise that you raise a formal complaint about this treatment, which disproportionately disadvantages women, who are much more likely to change surname when married, and same-sex couples who may do the same, or take a double-barrelled surname.
  • Be explicit that you regard this as discriminatory treatment on the basis of protected characteristics, and invite them to make the necessary changes to the system.
  • The Government Digital Team can be reached on twitter via @GDSTeam , and we have tweeted them about the issues.
  • It is unacceptable in 2019 that people who change their surnames, overwhelming women and same-sex couples and overwhelmingly not men, should be unable to access their personal data through a government website.